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Kochkurs | © Edelweiss Cooking School Voir la galerie

Edelweiss Cooking School

If you've ever wanted to learn how to make Salzburger Nockerl or apple strudel, the Edelweiss cooking school is the place for you. Courses take place in small groups in a cavern in the Mönchsberg.

Apple strudel and Salzburger Nockerl (incl. lunch)

The hands-on cooking lessons take place in small groups and allow active exchange with the chef and the other participants. In addition to the typical Salzburger Nockerl, the popular apple strudel is also prepared. While the desserts are baking in the oven, a hearty goulash soup or a vegetarian lentil ragout is served for lunch.

Taste Austria - beer & food pairings featuring Jeff Beery

The ambience of the rock walls in the cave that houses the cooking school is ideal for an atmospheric beer tasting. A professional beer sommelier combines Austrian dishes with traditional beer specialties.

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