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Stefan Zweig Center | © Stefan Zweig Centre Galéria megjelenítése

Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg

Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg in the Edmundsburg conveys knowledge about the life and work of Austrian writer Stefan Zweig.

Stefan Zweig's Salzburg years

Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) was an important writer, translator, literary mediator and pacifist. From 1919 to 1934 he lived in Salzburg in the so-called 'Paschinger Schlössl' on the Kapuzinerberg, a period considered the most successful in his literary career. His novella collections Amok (1922) and Verwirrung der Gefühle (1927), the work Sternstunden der Menschheit (1927) and his biographies of Joseph Fouché (1929) and Marie Antoinette (1932), which brought him worldwide fame, became particularly well known. From Salzburg, Stefan Zweig travelled throughout Europe. He initiated international publishing and journal projects and wrote petitions for European understanding with his friends throughout Europe.

Stefan Zweig Centre

The Stefan Zweig Centre is located in the Edmundsburg, a 17th century building above the Felsenreitschule. The Stefan Zweig Centre was founded in 2008 at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and is supported by the City and Province of Salzburg. It serves as a centre for science, literature and art, with a special focus on the life and work of Stefan Zweig. The programme includes lectures, readings, discussions and academic conferences on European literary and cultural history. A reference library is available for research purposes. The exhibition Stefan Zweig and Salzburg provides an in-depth insight into the years when the writer lived and worked in Salzburg.


Stefan Zweig Zentrum Salzburg
Mönchsberg 2, Edmundsburg
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 8044-7641

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