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Tomaselli Kuchendame | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Breitegger G. Pokaż galerię

Café Tomaselli

At the Alter Markt in the middle of Salzburg lies Café Tomaselli, probably one of the most famous cafés in the world. Family-owned for centuries, it exudes stylish Austrian coffeehouse culture for all the senses.

Journey to another time

Café Tomaselli in the heart of Salzburg's Old Town is one of the most renowned European coffee houses. No other traditional café in Austria can look back on such a long history. Still family-owned today, it is a stylish representation of more than 300 years of Austrian coffee house tradition. Magnificent wood panelling with inlays adorns the walls and takes guests back in time, as do the marble tables, silver trays, waiters in dinner jackets and the cake ladies.

A place to see and be seen

Old-established Salzburg families, business people, students, artists and tourists meet here, as well as actors, opera stars and international festival celebrities during the festival season. Even in the old days, celebrities such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Max Reinhardt and Herbert von Karajan frequented the Tomaselli.

  • Specialities: Einspänner [espresso topped with whipped cream] and Melange [espresso topped with steamed milk froth], Esterhazy or Dobos torte, apple, curd cheese and berry strudel, strawberry dessert, Salzburger Nockerl slice, croissants with walnut filling.
  • Special features: Cake ladies, a variety of egg dishes

Dining Spaces and Group Information 
  • 4 rooms
  • Seats per room: Hauptraum 100/Kirschzimmer 40/Stüberl 50/1. Stock 65
  • Seats in the garden: 280
  • Seats on the terrace: 75
Additional Amenities
  • Children welcome (winding space)
  • Dogs allowed

Salzburg Magazine: A good day begins at Tomaselli's

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