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Hauptraum | © Georg Trakl Forschungs & Gedenkstätte Показать галерею

Georg-Trakl Research and Memorial Site

In 1973, a research and memorial site was established in the house where Georg Trakl, the most famous poet from Salzburg (1887-1914) was born. It is also a venue for numerous events.

Extensive exhibition

The research and memorial site offers visitors a film portrait as an introduction to the life and work of the poet. Manuscripts, personal documents, objects from the former residence of the Trakl family and secondary literature can be viewed on a guided tour.

The life of the Salzburg poet

Georg Trakl was born in 1887 as the son of an ironmonger in Salzburg. He lived with his family in Salzburg until the age of 21. He died at the beginning of World War I at the Garrison Hospital in Krakow at the age of only 27. 

In just a few years he created a lyrical work which secured him a special place in the German-language lyric poetry of the 20th century. Today a total of ten poetry plaques in Salzburg bear witness to his work and his connection with the Mozart town.​

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