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Europäische Hornviper (Vipera ammodytes) | © Welt der Gifte Показать галерею

World of poisons

Experience different living venomous animals up close and learn more about different poisons with the help of the exhibits and fascinating presentations.

Poisons of all kinds

Factual, fascinating and with nothing to be afraid of, this permanent exhibition (and smallest zoo in Austria) “World of Poisons” presents intriguing facts about poisons in daily life, nature, medicine and world history. The goal of the exhibition is to communicate our knowledge about various poisons to all age groups in clearly understood and entertaining ways.

Within the framework of a one-hour guided tour, visitors are able to marvel at little-known and frequently misunderstood poisonous plants, toadstools and exotic living toxic animals such as scorpions, toads and venomous snakes, including huge rattlesnakes, inquisitive vipers and deadly taipans.

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