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Spirituosen Sporer außen | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Breitegger G. Показать галерею

Sporer Liqueur & Punch Manufacturer

The old townhouse at Getreidegasse 39, built around 1407, has been home to the Sporer Likör- und Punschmanufaktur for more than 100 years. Over time, the business has not only established itself as a specialist shop for liqueurs and spirits, but has also become a popular meeting place to enjoy a drink.

Spirits and liqueurs since 1903

In the narrowest house on Getreidegasse, the Sporer Liqueur and Punch Manufacturers is already in its fourth generation. In his great-grandfather's former dram shop, Michael Sporer offers a wide selection of fine distillates and his own products in over 100-year-old wooden barrels. Among them are 22 liqueurs in different flavours, which are produced in the old-established business itself.

Sales and serving

The classics include the "house blend", a fine herbal liqueur created following old family recipes, and the orange punch made according to the great-grandmother's original recipe from 1927. All spirits and a nice selection of high-quality wines are available for tasting, either standing in the vaulted entrance in the Getreidegasse or in the rustic back room. The most popular offerings - homemade, of course – are vermouth, gin, lemon liqueur and berry punch.

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