Registering choirs and ensembles online
To submit an inquiry about choirs or musical ensembles performing in Mirabell Gardens – please proceed as follows:
- Please check our continuously updated online events schedule to see if your desired slot is available. Available slots appear in green and are marked ‘verfügbar / available’.
- Please fill in the online registration form – completely and truthfully – then press ‘submit’.
- Please note, that groups NOT staying in one of the city based hotels or hotels in the surrounding villages (Anthering, Elixhausen, Elsbethen, Eugendorf, Grödig, Großgmain, Hallwang, Wals-Siezenheim) are liable to pay € 100,- per performance at Mirabell Gardens. The handling fee will be payable upon reservation and is non-refundable (includes liquid sunshine cancellations). We kindly ask groups staying in the city to hand in a valid hotel reservation confirmation of the group.
- Your group’s concert application will be confirmed by e-mail at the earliest possible juncture.
- If you are forced to cancel, bring forward or postpone a concert that has already been confirmed, please direct all correspondence to tourist@salzburg.info – at the latest 2 weeks before the concert is due to take place.