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Dom_Innenansicht | © Eva trifft. FOTOGRAFIE Show gallery

Mass with music in Salzburg Cathedral

The concert with the Cornell University Chorus & Glee Club consists of around 40 tenor and bass voices with a repertoire that ranges from classical, folk, and 20th-century music to traditional Cornell songs. The Glee Club also performs major works with the Cornell University Chorus such as Beethoven's Missa Solemnis, Handel's Messiah, and Bach's Mass in B minor.

Works by P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. Parker, H. Schütz, F. Martin & more

Admission EUR 15,- / 10,- in favor of the preservation of Salzburg Cathedral
Tickets available at: or directly on the concert day also in front of Salzburg Cathedral


Kunst & Kultur - ohne Grenzen
Worellstraße 3
1060 Wien
Tel. +43 1 5818640


Dom zu Salzburg
Domplatz 1 a
5020 Salzburg

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