Measuring the World
Based on the title of Daniel Kehlmann's novel Die Vermessung der Welt (2005) (Measuring the World), the exhibition initiates an examination of artistic approaches to scientific categorisation and thus also the ordering of our environment and perception. This title remains true to the theme of measurement, but uses a more abstract formulation. ‘Measurements’ refers to the mathematical and geographical dimension, while “Reality” takes up the concept of art as a kind of subjective “measurement” of the world and its perception, which also includes reference systems of aesthetics. The exhibition is intended - deliberately without any claim to completeness - to encourage visitors to engage more deeply with the artistic interpretation of scientific recording strategies in space, time and form.
The exhibition shows works by Franz Bergmüller, Magda Csutak, Wolfgang Denk, David Eisl, Gunda Gruber, Thomas Hörl, Wassily Kandinsky, Erika Giovanna Klien, Josef Reisenbichler, Markus Schinwald, Annelies Senfter, Curt Stenvert, Victor Vassarely, Kay Walkowiak and others.