Mozartweek 2025 - Mozart Quiz
Destination Mozart: This is the motto that indentant Rolando Villazón has come up with for the Mozart Week 2025. All roads lead to Mozart, via Monteverdi, Bach and Handel, whose works fit congenially with Mozart's oeuvre and who were his pioneers, inspiration or role models.
Jon Parnell (Quiz master)
Musicians of the Orquesta Iberacademy Medellín
What did Mozart like to eat most of all? Why did Bach have to go to prison? Do you recognize K. 525 just by hearing the first two bars? The triumphant quiz-master Jon Parnell poses tricky questions in a pub quiz (very popular in Handel’s favoured country of residence) all about Mozart and composers who influenced his creativity. Lots of fun and a challenge for everyone, with live music.
Quiz in English. On request, questions and answers are possible also in German.
All events for the Mozart Week can be found here!