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Commemorative monument to the victims of euthanasia | © Tourismus Salzburg

Commemorative monument to the victims of euthanasia in Salzburg by Otto Saxinger

At the entrance to Kurgarten in Mirabell Gardens, this monument is a simple glass sculpture with a complex message. Especially the three engraved dates 1941, 1991, and 2014 make it a touching piece of art.

In the name of humanit

This simple glass stela in the Salzburg Kurgarten is filled with ash and displays the dates of three years: 1941, 1991 and 2014. The monument commemorates victims from Salzburg who were forcefully removed from various Salzburg clinics in 1941 and taken to Hartheim to be killed. In order to mark 50 years since those horrific events, Upper Austrian artist Otto Saxinger designed this glass column in 1991.

A second layer of history

Sadly, vandals severely damaged it in 2014. In the course of reerecting it, four base plates were added, chiseled upon which are the names of the 325 victims. Blank spaces symbolize the many victims whose stories have yet to be revealed.

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