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puppets | © Marionettenmuseum Show gallery

Marionette Museum

In this museum dedicated to the "World of Marionettes", housed in the vaulted former gun deck ("Feuergang") of Hohensalzburg Fortress, historical marionettes invite visitors to embark on an unforgettable journey back in time.

An excursion through Salzburg history

One focus of this exhibition is the history of Salzburg itself: including the prince-archbishops as well as the days when the River Salzach served as a major shipping artery. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is yet another topic: Papageno and Papagena from the opera "The Magic Flute" are given a befitting stage, as is the question as to how Mozart traveled around Europe back in his day. Yet another theme: the Peasants' Revolt of 1525.

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