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Siemens Kids>Festival at Kapitelplatz at Salzburg Festival | © Andreas Kolarik

SIEMENS Kinder>Festival

28 July -  25 August 2024
Children get to watch age-appropriate operatic productions on Kapitelplatz Square in Salzburg. And best of all: the show is free!

Opera on the Salzburg Festival Fringe

As part of Siemens>Festival>Nights in Salzburg, films of operas suitable for children can also be viewed on Kapitelplatz Square. Entitled the “Siemens Kinder>Festival”, the aim is to give the youngsters their own gateway to a captivating world of art and culture.

Shows of operatic films for children ages 5 and up on Kapitelplatz Square in Salzburg.
Shows are always from Friday starting at 10 a.m.  
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Admission is free.


SIEMENS Kinder>Festival
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +4351707 22230

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