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Elisabethkirche in Salzburg / ear at the entrance | © Bibelwelt Show gallery

Bible World

The Elisabethkirche in Salzburg houses the only exhibition of its kind in Europe to present the treasures of the bible and many stories from the Good Book in such a way as to allow visitors to experience them with all their senses on around 1000m² of floor space.

The hands-on human experience

Bibelwelt is more of an adventure playground than a typical museum, as becomes obvious upon entering the hands-on exhibition through a gigantic ear. Inside the church, there are portrayals of the stories of Jesus and Paul. An audio guide is used to navigate visitors around this very unconventional display.

Salzburg's Bibelwelt includes:
  • An oriental market
  • A 40 m² map of the Mediterranean outlining the journeys of Paul the Apostle
  • Dark passageways and unsteady floors reflect Jesus’ tale of woe
  • A one-arm bandit: the ‘Mercy Slot-Machine’

The hands-on human experience has been designed to encourage curious individuals of all ages to find out more, and to reveal the cultural treasures in the bible to everyone!

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