Local mobility
Salzburg is a compact city with a well-functioning public transportation system. For all your questions about accessibility, discounted fares and other offers, this is the place for you.
Accessibility on public transportation
The vast majority of vehicles used for public transportation feature low-entry doors. They are equipped with a ramp for wheelchairs, which can be folded out as needed. Discounted fares are also available to people with disabilities.
If you have more detailed questions about accessibility, please contact the customer center of the transportation provider in question.
- Salzburger Verkehrsbetriebe: +43662 632900 (24h Service-Hotline)
- Salzburger AG (trolley buses, Lokalbahn trains): +43800 660660 (24h Service-Hotline), kundenservice.verkehr@salzburg-ag.at
- Albus Salzburg Verkehrsbetrieb GmbH: +43662 424000
- ÖBB Postbus: +435 1717
Salzburgmobil app
Salzburgmobil is a timetable app for public transportation in Salzburg, featuring mobile real-time arrival information as well as an integrated route planner. Meaning you will know when and where the nearest trolley bus, bus or train will be leaving from. Low-entry vehicles with extendable ramps are indicated with a wheelchair symbol. The app can be downloaded free of charge from the iTunes App-Store or the Google Play Store.
On the way by taxi
The drivers of Taxi 81-11 are obliged to transport wheelchairs, with the exception of electric and non-folding models. It is recommended to register trips in advance.
Further information about accessible mobility in Salzburg
In addition to the public buses and trains, there are other services intended to meet the needs of wheelchair users and people with various limitations. In order to make your visit to Salzburg go as smoothly as possible, we have compiled the most important information on your behalf.